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Do a little and Change a lot, with One Today by Google

Posted on 4/30/2013 by A.A.I

A few weeks ago Google launched an app that seeks to capture the scaling power of mobile apps and the Play Store to combine it with charitable donations.  The app, named One Today has a simple premise; once a day you'll be shown a worthy cause presented by a nonprofit and can make the choice to give a $1 donation to said cause.  All of your donation goes directly to the cause (minus a 1.9% credit card fee).  These donations are fully tax deductible with your confirmation emails serving as donation receipts.  Also when you click the give button the app marks it as a pledge rather than a charge. A balance of each pledge is kept and the app will periodically notify you and request you approve payment.  And as a added bonus for those who would like to contribute a bit more. The app allows you to encourage your friends to donate and pledge to match their donations dollar for dollar (to a limit).

Right now you need an invitation to participate. And the app is limited to US users at this time, which are really the only drawbacks.  Well that and the fact that it's an Android only app at this time. It will be interesting to see if Apple allows the app in the App Store. As the company has a history of not allowing charitable donations through the App Store. Something it has been criticized about several times. You can request an invite from the site listed below or from directly within the app.  So what do you think? Are you going to jump on board to Do a little and Change a lot?

To learn more or request an invite, visit

Click to download

Scan to download

[via The verge]

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